Remote Monitoring
When the sensor is installed in the intended well, It is time to track and analyze the data that the sensor generates. This becomes very easy in our web-based dashboard solution. It has a series of clever features and a pedagogical layout so you can easy follow the Realtime water levels in your wells.

An overview of the functionalities in the AXsensor web-based Portal:
• High customization abilities of the dashboard layout
• Parameter setting in the Wake-up function
• Alarm settings for water levels
• Analytics – Compare data series for multiple sensors at once
• Map view to visualize the location of your sensors
• Data storage, 24 month running data storage in Microsoft Azure
An insight in some of the functionalities:
Customization of the Layout

There are many more data points then the water level that the sensor generates. What data columns are displayed in the dashboard are customizable for your preferences. With a few easy klicks you can decide what columns of data are to be displayed and in what order.

With our “compare” button you can easily choose multiple sensors in order to compare and analyze the time series.
Map View
With the google maps based technology you can easily get an overview of the positioning of the sensors. The Google street view function allows us to zoom in and display the exact well that the sensor Is installed in.

Data storage

We provide a 24-month rolling data storage solutions for your data. We use Microsoft Azure as our cloud solution.
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