Why empty a half-full septic tank when you can empty a whole lot?
For real estate without municipal sewage, septic tanks today are a common solution. The AXsensor can read when it is time for emptying. Instead of driving fixed routes, the transport line can now control the car to the tanks that need to be emptied and optimize the car’s filling level.

Connect the wireless AXsensor to the slurry company and get control of the septic tank in your mobile phone, tablet or computer. Installation is very simple. No cable installation or external power supply is required.

Photo: Pettersons Miljöåkeri
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Why empty a half-full septic tank when you can empty a whole lot?
For real estate without municipal sewage, septic tanks today are a common solution. The AXsensor can read when it is time for emptying. Instead of driving fixed routes, the transport line can now control the car to the tanks that need to be emptied and optimize the car’s filling level.

Connect the wireless AXsensor to the slurry company and get control of the septic tank in your mobile phone, tablet or computer. Installation is very simple. No cable installation or external power supply is required.